Vigilante Comics is always buying vintage comics. I am passionate about comics and thrilled to share our expertise with fellow enthusiasts!
I tend to offer between 60-70% of FMV, and cover the cost of shipping. The easier it will be to move the more I can offer.
For Pricing books out i use price sources such as eBay soles & GPA for graded books & asses a value on what someone would pay.
I'm willing to travel 12Hrs from NJ for extremely high value collections but in most cases shipping is the best option.
Get A Quote! Send me a message and we can discuss valuating your collection.
Want a price with no work, easy I have purchased many collections blindly before as well.
If you know what you have and have a valuation in a comic site, send it over and I can make a fair offer
Want to only sell a few book(s)? I can do that to, it doesn't only have to be a collection.
2. How many raw/graded comics are you looking to sell?
3. What are your top 5 most valuable books in the collection.
(If collection is all graded or you already have a list (Raw books with conditions) please send that over.)
Contact Me Today